Huai Hsiang Wang has never lost a fight
by Michael Sangiacomo
Saturday December 01, 2007, 4:03 AM
【版主:這是美國俄亥俄州克里夫蘭當地最大報「簡樸者」日報(the Plain Dealer)所報導關於懷湘師兄的新聞,懷湘師兄戲稱,這也是他生平第一次刊載在頭條上。這是懷湘師兄美國友人在懷湘師兄下飛機之後,立即帶懷湘師兄到「簡樸者」報社,並要他報社友人刊登懷湘師兄的新聞。在層層考驗之下,並獲得報社總編的驗證,終於使懷湘師兄登上頭條新聞。不過,由於報社記者不熟悉中國武術,同時也為了報紙的娛樂性,有許多明顯錯誤的描述出現。在這裡,版主也必須特此澄清裡面的一些錯誤說法。像是報紙標題「從未敗過的王懷湘」,和報紙內文第一段的內文,是記者的妙筆生花之作,而非真正的事實。懷湘師兄從未宣稱他「從沒有敗過」,他本人也極力排斥類似的說法。這是因為懷湘師兄認為,武學的本質,是對於自身的超越,而不是與人爭鬥,拼輸贏。其次,在內文中,曾描述懷湘師兄擁有「岩石般的肌肉」等等,事實上,這是個誤解,這緣於記者並不瞭解中國武學的樁與內勁並不是單純的肌肉力量而已。他們曾經派出報社裡200多公分,100公斤,練健美的壯漢來推懷湘師兄,結果全部推不動懷湘師兄。他們認為是懷湘師兄擁有強健的肌肉,但事實上乃是他們不明拳理,所造成的誤會。不過這篇新聞總是懷湘師兄的足跡之一,故留此為證,翻譯出來。裡面有些翻譯,版主沒有完全按照英文全文翻,而是有所修改,這是因為記者無法精確掌握中國武學所致。為了我們台灣和中國人閱讀方便,所以特此修改部份文意。】
照片說明:the immovable Huai Hsiang Wang will give “Chinese Kung Fu” seminars over the next two weeks at the Shambala Yoga Studio and Wellness center in Mentor. Wang’s first and only sessions in the United States.
Huai Hsiang Wang -- Howard to his new American friends -- proudly boasts he has never been in a fight.
His slight frame belies his rock-hard muscles. The mental discipline that makes the kung fu expert adept at disarming an opponent is also invisible. Asked to demonstrate his skill, Wang plants his feet on the ground.
Once poised, it's difficult for anyone to move him. And many large, strong men have tried.
【版主按:當時懷湘師兄下飛機之後,隨即被美國友人帶到報社去,那位熱心的友人直接要求報社的朋友寫篇新聞來報導懷湘師兄。該名記者,即Michael Sangiacomo一開始並不覺得這有什麼新聞價值,直到Michael親自嘗試推懷湘師兄時,發現花費九牛二劇之牛也無法憾動半分,他才驚覺中國武術的奧妙之處和特殊性。但是當時,Michael也明白說出,要他寫新聞稿不難,但是會不會登出,就要看總編的意思。於是,懷湘師兄便和「簡樸者」的總編見面。總編一開始也是心存懷疑,也直接提出試試看的要求。總編找來全報社最壯、最高大,常上健身房練健美的壯漢來推懷湘師兄,結果半點也推不動。於是,懷湘師兄的新聞,一躍上為明天的頭條新聞。】
Others will try over the next two weeks in "Chinese Kung Fu" seminars at the Shambala Yoga Studio and Wellness Center in Mentor, Wang's first and only sessions in the United States.
The seminars are not grunt-and-groan demonstrations of strength. Wang's first lesson is that physicality is a small part of the Eastern discipline, which is the application of force and energy.
True Chinese kung fu, as opposed to the Hollywood variety, is the art of "not fighting," a way of life that deflects conflict.
The first seminar begins today and the second begins Dec. 6. Promoter Douglas Wolf said some individual day passes will be sold, but the number of students will be limited.
第一堂課在今天開始,第二堂課則是在12月6號開課。贊助者Douglas Wolf說,某些零星的時段也會開課,但是學生的人數會有所限制。
Wang is the assistant director of the Academy of Martial Arts Restoration in Taipei, Taiwan, and the son of the academy's founder. His father, 83-year-old Wang Chieh, is recognized as a Grandmaster of Chinese martial arts in China and Taiwan, though he would never use the title himself.
"We all have much to learn," said Wang. "Neither I nor my father would ever claim to be a master."
Wang said the public perception of Chinese kung fu has been tainted by movie and books that exploit its physical aspects. Explaining the more sublime concepts of energy transfer, mind and spirit, is difficult to do quickly.
"I want people to understand it, which is why I have come here," he said.
Wang said he and his father wanted to spread their teachings to the United States. The seminars are a way of testing the waters. Wang also wrote a book, "Tao -- The Way of Ch inese Kung Fu." "Chinese kung fu is a dying art in China," Wang said. "We want to keep it alive. Since it's very difficult for Americans to come to us, we will bring the teaching to them."