



【版主:這是朱懷元弟子石明所出的拳論,很稀有地,這是英文書,我不知道有沒有中文的。我手頭上並沒有這本書,正文的內容是由網路上找來 的。網路上有石明的推手,我看過的結論是,石明推手有一定的功夫,但是有半真半假,譬如說凌空勁的「表演」就是假的。不過,也有功夫啦!這篇文章並不連貫 在此我只能說抱歉!】

    ..the purpose of imitating life is to use forms to refine consciousness, use consciousness to refine inner power, and use inner power to refine the mind and spirit, in search of pervasive integration; it is a type of biodynamic principle and technology for seeking the highest level of integration through returning all things to their root." (intro, 11)
    象形(imitating life)的目的是用形式來淬煉意識,用意識來淬鍊內勁(inner power),並用內勁來淬煉心靈與精神。

    "Consciousness is a spiritual-material structure, consisting of a triad of information, capacity, and format. Only when it can perform effectively as such a structure can it function interactively with any spirit or matter at all. Consciousness has a field, and it has force; it is a supranormal consciousness whose own inherent capacity can activate other capacities, forming a potent force field." (p33)


   The position of refinement of consciousness in the theory and practice of martial arts is utterly critical. It pervades the fundamentals of training in martial arts as well as the most advanced contents of their highest level. This is the technical and theoretical core and quintessence of martial arts.


   To abandon this is tantamount to throwing away the living soul and fundamental work of the techniques and theories of martial arts, leaving only low level “external exercises” with their peculiarities of outward form…


   Consciousness as we use it here does not mean consciousness in the ordinary sense, abstract logical thought, or abstract ideation; neither is it formal thinking in the ordinary sense. It is not a building in the brain of a builder, not a form or sound in the brain of a physicist. Nor is it the id, ego, superego, consciousness, subconscious, or instinct as conceived by psychoanalysts. The consciousness of which we speak is in every case developed consciousness; in whatever domain, it is always a result of combined refinement of body and mind.

  「意 識」,如我們在此引用的,並不意味著意識在日常意義、抽象邏輯思考、或是抽象觀念化等意義;意識也不是的日常意義下的形式思維。意識不是建築師腦中的建築 物,不是物理學家腦中的形式或是聲音。意識也不是心理分析學家所臆想的本我(id)、自我(ego)、超我(superego)、意識、下意識或是本能。 我們剛所談及的意識定義或內容都在在發展了「意識」;在任何領域裡,「意識」永遠都是身體與心靈結合的精化結果。


   ...Except for a few coincidences, Consciousness,in this sense, is not innate. It is a highly ordered consciousness that has gone through special conscious training (and under some conditions, unconscious training) and has gone through simultaneous refinement of body and mind.


   Self-defense that cannot avoid hitting and hurting people is an expression of martial art that is still not at a sufficiently high level. The highest aim of martial arts using fighting techniques is to defeat the enemy without doing battle.At the highest level, no one can even pick a fight with you. The effects of the highest techniques and principles are completely consonant with the highest morality.





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